If you are feeling adventurous and looking for a unique and exotic dish to try, you might want to consider edible smoked toads, aka, ‘jumping chicken’, also known in Yoruba language as kankan....
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With Nigeria’s ever-expanding everyday to include new dishes, Shea Butter is a natural vegetable fat that comes from processing nuts from the shea tree. It has been used for centuries as a cosmetic...
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If you are looking for a traditional Nigerian dish that is not only delicious but also healthy, you might want to try Ofe Onugbu. Ofe Onugbu, also known as Bitterleaf Soup, is a...
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Snake meat is a delicacy in some parts of Nigeria, especially in the south-western region. It is believed to have medicinal and nutritional benefits, such as curing skin diseases and boosting immunity. However,...
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